This was a great video demonstration for two great products
SpiderLath and
Mortar Sprayer. I liked the speedy installation of the vertical scratch coat using these two products. I think that metal lath has met its match with the new fiberglass woven material that actually holds structural value instead of just being a simple backer for concrete. It is simple to cut, easy to handle and install. It is used stucco, plaster, tile, countertops, shower surrounds, manufactured stone, and natural stone veneers, brick, concrete stairs, concrete overlays and other masonry systems! SpiderLath can be used over existing surfaces to apply masonry finishes. SpiderLath is fully encapsulated in the mortar bed creating a fiberglass reinforced scratch coat. No more cuts from the old metal lath! SpiderLath is easy to handle and lightweight! Only 20 lbs per 300 square foot roll. One person can safely climb scaffolding with 300 sf of fiberglass mesh! SpiderLath is rust proof and non corrosive. Excellent for use in the coastal areas!
Mortar Sprayer is one of my favorites that truly get’s the job done. I have fun using the sprayer and find it so much easier and faster putting on scratch and texture coats. It is very easy to create many different styles of texture using the Mortar Sprayer in creating Themed Environments.There are many different styles of Mortar Sprayers available at to choose from. These stucco spraying tools are used to spray plaster, stucco, small scale shotcrete, papercrete, GFRC, earthen mixes and more. Stucco sprayers are used for traditional plastering and many alternative building methods. Stucco application with this hopper sprayer is efficient on traditional stucco, exterior stucco, straw bale, Earth bag, insulated panels, Surface Bonded Block and thin shell ferrocement. This mortar sprayer opens up the world of stucco application for small scale shotcrete, thinshell construction, LVSC (Low Velocity Sprayed Concrete) in structures like SCIPs (Structural Concrete Insulated Panels) and more. As a heavy texture sprayer, this tool is being used to spray popcorn texture using California Stucco. The range of this sprayer is from a heavy texture of 1/8″ up to 1″ thickness for structural layers.
The stucco sprayer (plaster sprayer) is useful on a scale from stucco repair to a complete exterior stucco coating. The result is often as fast or faster than using a stucco pump. This plaster sprayer will save you time and money up front especially compared to the high cost of a stucco pump. Spraying stucco with the stucco sprayer is also much easier than with a plaster pump. The Tirolessa USA sprayer costs less than the accessory package of a stucco pump. If your crew is less than 6 and you are not plastering every day, our stucco/plaster tool is the right choice.
I look forward to using these products in my future vertical decorative concrete projects.